[April 2023] FAUCHEUSE – Demo Cassette – Out now!!

Faucheuse: New Bordeaux D-Beat Punk Band Drops Fiery Debut EP (Premiere)
Former and current members of Bombardement, Gasmask Terrör, Monarch and Year of No Light keep the amazing Bordeaux d-beat scene as strong as ever.
By Mittens XVX On Apr 20, 2023

The city of Bordeaux is best known for its its vineyards, legendary chateau and wine, but in the secret world of DIY punk and hardcore, Bordeaux is also the undisputed French capital of wall-shaking hardcore with strangling riffs, intense vocals and stampeding d-beats at breakneck tempos.

The debut five-song tape release from Bordeaux’s Faucheuse follows the same throttling direction as its members’ past and present bands, but with a twist. Featuring local heroes Bombardement’s former singer Emilie, bassist Stephane (Bombardement, ex-Monarch), drummer Luc (Bombardement, ex-Gasmask Terrör) and guitarist Shiran (Year of No Light, ex-Gasmask Terrör, ex-Monarch), Faucheuse dispense clobbering hardcore punk with raucous d-beat mayhem and rock’n’roll sensibilities.
Beginning with feedback reminiscent of a rehearsal demo recording on “Pyromancie,” the band fires up the grill with a d-beat infused frenzy that calls to mind the best works of Black Panda. The second track, “Detonation,” is an explosive continuation of Faucheuse’s combustible style, it’s the fastest and shortest track on the record fyi. “Ville Interdite” and “Possession” are cut from the same scathing kängpunk cloth and hard-rocking riffs, but feature a vigorous pub-rock vibe and unique melodic edge, reminiscent of bands like Amyl and the Sniffers or the brilliant chanson-punk of La Fraction. The title track “Faucheuse” closes the record with nearly three minutes of repetitive bass and d-beat driven instrumentation over a quirky vocal style that I bet you won’t hear in any other raw punk or d-beat band outside of France. By the way, the name “Faucheuse” is the feminine word for the Grim Reaper, as my French pals explained.
In conclusion, Faucheuse’s debut is an excellent d-beat punk’n’roll reaper front to back. I’m usually very suspicious of the whole d-beat’n’roll thing, as very few bands can do it as good as Spain’s Black Panda, and I think most of the rest are just plain boring. Faucheuse not only update the style in a fresh and exciting way, but also add tons of their own elements, especially the feminist vibe and the distinct French punk twist. If you haven’t already done so, hit the play button above and get the tape from Symphony of Destruction while you still have the chance!